Privacy Policy

Last Modified: 18 July 2024

This Data Privacy Policy applies to all websites offered by Zayo Group UK Limited and, where applicable, any of its European Union (“EU”) Member State or European Economic Area (“EEA”)- based affiliates (collectively, “Zayo” or “we” or “our” or “us”).

A list of Zayo Group UK Limited’s United Kingdom and European affiliates can be found here

Zayo Group UK Limited’s listing of its United Kingdom and European affiliates does not, expressly or otherwise, mean that all or any of such affiliates accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of each other.

Zayo respects your privacy.

This Data Privacy Policy contains:

  • Why and with whom we share your personal data.
  • In which cases your personal data may be transferred abroad.
  • How we protect the security and confidentiality of your personal data.
  • The choices and rights available to you regarding the use of your personal data.
  • How you can contact us about our privacy practices and to exercise your rights.

Key points you need to know about how we collect and use your personal data

We collect and use your personal data to administer our relationship with you, including to respond to your enquiries or complaints, to provide our products and services to you, to manage our contracts with you, to inform you about our products and/or services, partners, promotions and events, to administer and improve our website(s) and services, to respond to requests from regulatory, administrative, judicial or police authorities, to comply with our contractual and legal obligations, and for other legitimate business purposes. Zayo does not share, sell, rent or trade personal data with third parties for promotional purposes.

When you express an interest in obtaining additional information about our products and services, or registering to use our website(s) or other services, or registering for an event, you provide Zayo with personal contact information, such as name, company name, address, telephone/mobile number, and email address (“Required Contact Information”) to contact you. In addition, when you purchase our products and/or services or register for an event, Zayo may also require you to provide it with the means for collecting financial qualification and billing information, such as billing name and address, and the number of employees within the organization that will be using the products and/or services (“Billing Information”) which is not considered personal data.

We may ask you for information to enable us to provide a product and/or a service to you and we may collect this information by telephone, written/digital correspondence or via our website(s). 

Subject to your consent where required by law, we use cookies and other technologies to track the use of our website(s) and products and/or services. To learn about our use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Subject to your consent where required by law, we may use your personal data to conduct marketing, promotional and informational activities and to perform business analytics, satisfaction surveys or market research and conduct direct marketing.

We may share your personal data with third party providers that we engage to process data on our behalf, when such sharing is required by law or other situations as permitted by law. In accordance with applicable law, you have the right to access personal data we hold about you, to rectify, delete or erase inaccurate data, to object, at any time and free of charge, to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, as well other rights under applicable law.

Your use of our products and/or services and our website(s), and the entering into contracts with us, constitute your consent to the processing and transfer of your personal data to entities which are located in other jurisdictions outside of the United Kingdom and/or European Economic Area (“EEA”) which may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country.

This privacy policy only applies to how to Zayo deals with your personal data. It does not apply to any to any other company or to any other company´s websites even if you have accessed them through Zayo. If you disclose your personal data to other companies, your information will be dealt with according to their privacy practices.

What personal data will Zayo collect?

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal data” means any information that identifies you, that could be used to identify you or that relates to you, and that you submit about you when interacting with us and/or is otherwise collected by us when you visit our website(s), by telephone through our customer service, by writing through order forms or in another manner. During our relationship with you we may collect and process your personal data, such as your name, address, telephone/mobile number, email and other contact details, and any other information relating to you which you may provide, in the following cases:

  • Visiting our website(s) and looking at our products and services.
  • Creating an account on our website(s).
  • Enquiring about our products and services or contacting our customer service.
  • Entering into a contract with us and purchasing our products and services.
  • Participating in a promotion, event, survey or other marketing campaign we organise.
  • Signing up for our newsletters and other promotional materials.

Personal Data that you provide us

The types of personal data we may obtain in connection with the previous cases are as follows:

  • Your name, address, job function/title and contact details (such as telephone and mobile numbers, email address, etc.).
  • Details of contact persons (such as name, address, job function/title, telephone and mobile numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.).
  • Products and/or services provided, including online services (if any).
  • Names, email addresses and telephone and mobile numbers of third parties you provide to us.
  • Online account details including username, password and other credentials used to access Zayo’s products and services.
  • Financial and payment data such as banking details, invoices and payment terms, as well as any personal data for fulfilling and legitimate processing billing information.
  • Complaints and enquiries.
  • Business profile.
  • Tax identification number where you request products and/or services that require such information.
  • Responses provided in response to surveys.

Personal Data collected by automated means

When you visit our website(s) or use our products and/or services, subject to your prior consent where applicable by law, we may collect personal data without you actively submitting such information, by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, web server logs, web beacons, and similar technologies as described below.

The types of personal data that we may collect through your visits to our website(s) or use of our products and/or services include, to the extent permitted under applicable law and, where required, subject to your express consent, are:

  •  the date and time of visit, referring address (location from which a visitor comes to our website(s));
  •  type of Internet browser, OS and device details;
  •  visitor’s IP address (a unique number that is assigned to any computer that connects to the Internet for identification purposes);
  •  traffic data for calls or Internet session when you use our telephone or Internet services, including called numbers, identification of the telephone, duration of the call, date, duration and data volume of the Internet session;
  •  as the case may arise, location data generated during calls or Internet sessions; and
  •  history of the contact you have had with our customer service.

Personal Data collected by third parties

Zayo may also receive information about customers from other sources, including third parties from whom we have purchased data, and combine this information with data we already have about you.  This helps us to update, expand and analyse our records, identify new customers, and create more tailored advertising to provide products and/or services that may be of interest to you. We will ensure that any marketing campaigns are aligned to comply with either or both of the United Kingdom GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 (collectively, “UK Data Protection Law”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) requirements (as may be applicable).

How do we use your personal data?

Zayo shall only process your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise permitted under applicable law. The processing of your personal data by Zayo for the purposes described hereunder is based on your explicit consent or on the necessity to process your personal data for the purposes of our legitimate interests, as provided for by either or both of the UK Data Protection Law and GDPR (as may be applicable).

Your personal information may be processed, Zayo for purposes including:

  •  to administer our relationship with you, including responding to your enquiries or complaints;
  •  to provide any products and/or services or information related to our products and/or services you have requested;
  •  to administer, operate, maintain, and improve our website(s) and our products and/or services;
  •  for efficient customer management relationship;
  •  to simplify access to some interactive features on our website(s) or products and/or services;
  •  to manage your accounts, orders, invoices and payments;
  •  to manage and provide after-sale services;
  •  to administer accounting and taxes;
  •  to respond to requests from regulatory, administrative, judicial or police authorities; and
  •  to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Providing personal data for these purposes is necessary and refusal would make it impossible for Zayo to manage any contract with you in respect of your purchase of our products and/or services or to comply with its contractual and legal obligations. Subject to your consent where required by law, we may also use your personal data in order:

  •  to keep improving the way our website(s) works;
  •  to count how many persons visit our website(s), where they come from, when they visit, how long they stay and what pages they look at;
  •  to associate your activity on our website(s) in order to give us insights into products and/or services you might like and measure how our advertising performs;
  •  to note browser, OS and device details used to make sure you get a good online experience when you access our website(s);
  •  to provide you access to valuable Zayo Internet-based information and services;
  •  to audit usage of our website(s);
  •  to market and improve the products and/or services that we offer;
  •  to conduct promotions, campaigns, survey and other marketing initiatives pursuant to the “How do we use your personal data for marketing purposes” section to follow;
  •  to let you know about other offers and discounts;
  •  to understand how you use our products and/or services to develop newer and better versions;
  •  to carry out research and statistical analysis, including monitoring how all customers use our network, products and/or services on an anonymous or business-to-business basis; and
  • to prevent and detect fraud or other crimes, recover debts or trace those who owe us money.

Providing personal data for marketing purposes is optional and refusal will have no consequence on the performance of any contract between Zayo and you or your organisation.

In order to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our products and/or services, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we may combine the information you submit to us with other information that we may receive from you, from third parties, or with other public demographic information.

In addition, we may collect information from visitors to our website(s) to help us to make improvements to our website(s) and to the products and/or services we make available. We know, for instance, how many visitors there are to each website page, when they visited, for how long and to which areas of the website. We may share this information with our advertisers and to other companies that offer their products or services on our website(s). It helps us to show these organisations how effective our website(s) is as a sales channel for products or services. You or any other individual cannot be identified from the information we share as the data is aggregated and anonymised.

Why and with whom do we share your personal data?

Our policy is to not give, sell or otherwise distribute personal data we collect to third parties outside of Zayo, except where required with your express consent or where this is necessary and in accordance with applicable law.  In line with this, we share personal data with the recipients listed below.

Third party service providers. Your personal data may be disclosed to third party service providers, acting on our behalf, in connection with managing services, data analytics, finance, accounting or other administrative services and information technology support.  These third party service providers will have access to – and process – personal data only on our behalf and under our lawful instructions and will be held to appropriate security obligations.

Other data recipients. For the above purposes or where otherwise required by law, we may also need to make personal data available to third parties such as advisors, banks and financial institutions, professionals, independent consultants, potential or existing investors and/or acquirers (in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale involving Zayo or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock or asset sale, or other change in corporate control), or regulatory, administrative, judicial or police authorities.

Zayo may provide information, in response to properly made requests, for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime, and the apprehension or prosecution of offenders, when required to do so by law, for example under a court order, or in response to properly made court or administrative demands.  Zayo may also provide information for the purpose of safeguarding national security.  In either case, Zayo will act in accordance with applicable laws.

We may also disclose personal data about you when you explicitly consent (via contract or other legal instrument) to such transfer or when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate for our legitimate interests (or those of the third party to whom we disclose your data), provided that they are not overridden by the data subject’s interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, in accordance with applicable laws.

We may share with third parties certain pieces of aggregated, non-personal information, such as how our customers use of our products and/or services or our website(s).  Such information will not identify you individually.

Please note that when you order products and/or services from Zayo, we may make enquiries about you/your organisation for credit reference purposes.  These enquires include searching your/your company’s records held by a credit reference agency.  At all times where your/your company’s information is disclosed to us we will protect it in accordance with this policy and keep it secure.

Will personal data be transferred abroad?

In the performance of any contract with you for the purchase of our products and/or services or in your use of our website(s), we may need to transfer your personal data to third parties identified in the “Why and with whom do we share your personal data?” section previous that are located inside and outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”), including in countries that do not provide the same level of protection for personal data as in the EEA.  In any case, we will only transfer personal data to recipients that provide an adequate level of data protection or as permitted by applicable laws by implementing appropriate safeguards, including, but not limited to, entering into relevant data transfer agreements based on both the United Kingdom and the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”), which makes Zayo compliant with either or both of the UK Data Protection Law and GDPR (as may be applicable) in respect of the international transfers of personal data.

How is your personal data protected?

Zayo has appropriate policies and technical and organizational measures in place to safeguard and protect your personal data against unlawful or unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction, damage, and unlawful or unauthorised use and disclosure.  We will also take all reasonable precautions to ensure that our staff and employees who have access to personal data about you have received adequate training.

How long do we keep your personal data for?

We have a retention policy for personal data that we adhere to, in line with legal and statutory requirements.  We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, audit, accounting, or reporting obligations and requirements and, where required for Zayo to assert or defend against legal claims or resolve disputes, or until the claims in question have been settled and to enforce our contracts and pursue our legitimate business interests.

What happens when you provide us with personal data about third parties?

If you provide us with personal data about third parties, you warrant, represent, and undertake that you have complied with applicable laws including informing and obtaining all necessary consents and approvals for the provision of such personal data to Zayo and the processing by Zayo of this personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.

How can you update or delete your personal data?

In accordance with applicable laws, you have the right to access personal data we hold about you and request the rectification or erasure of any inaccurate data.  You may exercise such rights by contacting us as described under the “What are your data protection rights?” section below.

When you register online for a Zayo account, you can also view and update your personal data by logging onto our website(s) and following the relevant instructions.  To ensure any details we hold about you remain accurate, please update your personal data if it changes or send a request to us as described under the “What are your data protection rights?” section below.  If you close your account we may, for limited periods and in accordance with applicable law, retain some personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations or for other proper purposes, such as for example legal retention obligations, collecting outstanding debts or resolving legal disputes.

When you request to be removed from certain of our marketing activities or offers, you will, in accordance with applicable laws, be added to the relevant internal suppression list(s) to ensure your request is complied with.

How do we use your personal data for marketing purposes?

We may use your personal data to conduct marketing, promotional and informational activities and to perform business analytics, satisfaction surveys or market research and direct marketing purposes in general, including sending notifications about updates to our website(s), information on our products and/or services we think may be of interest to you, initiatives or events by mail, e-mail, telephone, mobile, SMS, MMS or other electronic means.  However, we will only do so in accordance with either or both of the UK Data Protection Law and GDPR requirements (as may be applicable) prior to being contacted in this way and/or subject to relevant legal requirements. If you no longer wish to receive marketing information and communications, please inform us by email or use the UNSUBSCRIBE option available on the relevant communication.

How do we use your personal data for monitoring and recording of calls?

Your telephone calls to us may be recorded for the purposes of staff training and service quality, as well as evidence of a commercial transaction, subject to applicable law.  You will be informed about this in a recorded message before your call is put through to a member of our staff.  Calls that are recorded for these purposes will be kept secure, will not be disclosed outside Zayo, other than for operational purposes or for compliance with applicable law or the lawful requests of regulatory administrative, judicial or police authorities, and will be deleted in accordance with our policies and relevant legal requirements.

How do we treat children’s personal data?

We do not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to register on our website(s) or purchase our products and/or services.

What are your data protection rights?

In accordance with applicable law, you have a right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence of, and to request a written copy of the personal information Zayo holds about you;
  • have any inaccurate information about you corrected;
  • have personal data we hold about you deleted, blocked or removed;
  • withdraw your consent where relevant, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before its withdrawal;
  • restrict the processing we make in relation with your personal data;
  • receive your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in order to transmit them to another data controller;
  • object to the use of your details for marketing activities and other promotional activities, as described under the “How do we use your personal data for marketing purposes?” section previous; and
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the United Kingdom or European Union Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes applicable law.

In case you wish to exercise any such rights, please send a written and signed request to Zayo as described under the “How can you contact us?” section below.

What happens if you visit a linked website?

The information obtained by third party websites accessed via our website(s) is not covered by this Privacy Policy and is governed by the terms applicable to your relationship with that third party, and Zayo accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of third party websites.

How can we update this policy?

We reserve the right to review this Privacy Policy at any time.  Where appropriate or required by law, we will notify you about the new privacy Policy by posting an appropriate notice on our products and/or services or on our website(s) or by e-mail (to the extent that we have your e-mail address).  We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about our information practices.  We will indicate below the date on which this Privacy Policy was last modified.  Your continued use of our products and/or services or our website(s) and participation in Zayo events constitutes your agreement to our Privacy Policy (as may be amended and updated from time to time).

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to exercise your rights under applicable laws, please feel free to contact us through our website or write to us at:

Vice President & General Counsel (Europe)
Zayo Group UK Limited
4th Floor, The Relay Building | 114 Whitechapel High Street | London | E1 7PT | UK

We can be reached via email at: