ESG Policy

Last Modified: 10 July 2024

Building a Sustainable Future

Zayo Group UK Limited and, where applicable, any of its European Union (“EU”) Member State or European Economic Area (“EEA”)-based affiliates (collectively, “Zayo” or “we” or “our” or “us”) is committed to sustainable business practices through our efforts across environmental impact, social responsibility, and effective corporate governance.  Inherent in our mission is a deep ESG commitment to fully engage our employees in driving sustainable change and creating stronger communities, especially where we live and work.

View our 2023 Sustainability Report

A list of Zayo Group UK Limited’s United Kingdom and European affiliates can be found here. 

Zayo Group UK Limited’s listing of its United Kingdom and European affiliates does not, expressly or otherwise, mean that all or any of such affiliates accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of each other