The Zayo Europe Network

We connect the world

As a global internet backbone company, Zayo is the leading independent provider of light-speed data transmission infrastructure, with dense, high-quality networks connecting every major market in North America and many in Western Europe. Through partnerships with complementary network providers, we provide our customers with global reach that takes them nearly anywhere they need to be.

Map of Long Haul Fibre Routes in Europe

Long haul fibre in Europe

We are one of the only dark fibre providers with dense and deep fibre counts for both metro-level and long-haul requirements – we offer unique scope and scale to support the most demanding organisations.
European Core Network map

99% Owned Network

We operate one of the most expansive, independent fibre network footprints in Europe to provide access to Hyperscale, Retail, Regional and Edge facilities.
Map of Zayo's 400G capabilities in Europe

Our 400G Network

Zayo’s new, 400G-enabled Long Haul Waves network is designed to be the most direct routing for multi-cloud and multi-market connectivity.

Dublin to Amsterdam

Customised connectivity with high-bandwidth Wavelength solutions between Dublin and Amsterdam that avoid London.

Frankfurt to Marseille

Zayo fibre enables global connectivity and best-in-class network performance between Marseille and Frankfurt.

Paris to Marseille

With Zayo’s fibre infrastructure between Paris and Marseille, our core network services here enable hyperscale and carrier customers to replicate data internationally in real-time.

Zayo's connects


Western European countries


FLAP+D Connectivity

More Than


Global Markets

More Than


data centres across Europe

Subsea Routes Connect Europe to the UK and the World

UK to France

Multiple routing options connecting the UK and France including the Zayo owned Circe South cable with 100% reliability since inception.

London to Amsterdam

Zayo’s newly built and owned ZEUS cable is completely diverse with high scalability and 400G wavelength capabilities between key digital hubs.

Europe to the Americas

Connect North America and Europe with Zayo’s high bandwidth transatlantic capacity routing across multiple cable systems.

The Global Zayo Network

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Smart city with speed line glowing light trail surround the city. big data connection technology concept.

Zayo’s Network Investments: A Look Back at 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024

Discover Zayo's latest network upgrades. Dive into our 2023 infrastructure achievements, fueling our growth in 2024.

Turn up Waves in 5 working days!

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400G long haul routes


between key global markets


Subsea routes to 13 countries


Subsea cables connecting the UK to Ireland, France, and the Netherlands

Zayo's wavelength network is


400G enabled globally

IP Network

More Detail

More Than


Global IP PoPs



of peering capacity

We augment our network at



Ranked in the

Top 10

CAIDA global Internet Service Providers

Global Network Capabilities

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Explore Zayo’s unmatched global network throughout North America and Europe.

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