Subsea Connectivity

Fast, reliable and high-capacity subsea connectivity

Zayo’s fully diverse subsea network connectivity and PoP design provides the diverse, high-availability, and low latency solutions needed to compete in worldwide markets. With flexible bandwidth options, full stack product offerings, strong peering partnerships and multiple strong partner relationships, Zayo’s reach expands beyond core cable landing stations, securely connecting customers to the world’s key international markets. 

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Transatlantic Routes

Télécharger notre carte réseau européenne et nord américaine

London to Amsterdam

Télécharger notre carte réseau européenne et nord américaine

UK to Ireland

Télécharger notre carte réseau européenne et nord américaine

We’re in all key cable landing stations that connect Europe to international markets.

We have presence in France, Germany, The UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and Scotland and we’re in all key cable landing stations that connect Europe to International Markets, such as – Marseille, Bordeaux, Lowestoft (for London), Zandvoort (for Amsterdam), Eastbourne (for London), Caueux-Sur-Mer (for Paris), Brighton (for Slough/London), Veules-les-Roses (for Paris), Deeside (for Wales), Holyhead (for Wales), Dublin, Blackpool, and Newcastle.

Global Subsea Network Leadership

Zayo leads global connectivity with capacity on over 30 strategically placed undersea cables, providing diverse and low-latency connections that link sophisticated economies worldwide.

Cutting-Edge ZEUS Cable

Our fully-owned ZEUS subsea cable, connecting the UK and Netherlands, features double-armour and up to 400G of reliable bandwidth, built to the latest sustainability standards.

Expanding Global Footprint

We support hyperscalers, financial powerhouses, and multinationals with ongoing investments in global connectivity, expanding in key markets like Tokyo, Johannesburg, and Sao Paulo, while enhancing terrestrial fibre routes for increased performance and cost efficiency.


Subsea routes to 13 countries

More than


route kilometres of fibre

More Than


Global Markets

Transform Global Connectivity with Zayo

Experience unparalleled connectivity, performance, and sustainability with Zayo’s subsea network solutions. Contact us today to elevate your international network capabilities.

The French Connection: From Above the Sea to Below the Sea, Marseille and Bordeaux Continue Their Long History of Connecting the World to Europe

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The Unforeseen Adventures of Building a World-Class Tier-1 Network | Mike Katz

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Building the Internet under the Sea: Zeus, an Operations VP’s Inside Story

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Diving Into Subsea Fibre Optic Cable Networks

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Welcoming Zeus: the New Connectivity Titan of the North Sea

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Zayo Unleashes the Power of Zeus

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