How the Right Partner Can Make or Break Your Carrier Expansion


|8 March 2024

As a carrier, you might be looking to expand your network and customer base, while laying the foundation for technologies of the future such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and edge computing. You’ll want the ability to add bandwidth as you grow, so you can power new sites, new initiatives, and new growth opportunities. But you may need a partner to help you get there.

As a global Internet backbone company, Zayo has built a reputation for high-quality networks that connect every major market in North America and many in Western Europe. We’ve built that reputation on our innovative approach, working with partners and other network providers to offer global reach. Currently, we offer more than 17 million miles of fibre, 350+ IP PoPs, and 15 unique long-haul routes.

Here’s why choosing the right dark fibre network partner is essential in your expansion.

Engineering expertise and innovative design

When it comes to technologies like 5G and AI, yesterday’s network isn’t going to cut it. As carriers look to expand their networks, finding the right partner—with cutting-edge engineering expertise and innovative design—isn’t just a ‘nice to have.’ It’s critical. Staying ahead of the curve means finding a partner that offers scale, security, and resilience, along with game-changing performance, at a competitive price.

When looking for a partner for your telecommunications network expansion, it’s important to consider their engineering expertise, solution flexibility, and delivery reliability. Zayo’s cutting-edge, modern network helps our carrier partners sidestep problems with physical infrastructure degradation, dramatically improving experience. 

Plus, we invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to deliver 99.999% uptime across metro and long-haul networks alike. With network automation and self-service options, carriers also have access to unprecedented speed and resilience, and self-service route visibility which can accelerate network management and doesn’t require using a separate network for encrypted routes.

Flexible solutions, tailored to carrier needs

Bringing reliable, high-speed Internet to customers—particularly those in underserved communities—requires flexible, customized solutions. While government funding is available for broadband carrier network infrastructure projects, there are a lot of nuances involved in securing funding, particularly in rural areas. That’s why solution flexibility is so critical, especially when working with a partner.

For example, Zayo’s long-haul network and metro distribution points provide carriers with greater access and reach. We’re one of the only providers with dense and deep fibre counts for both metro-level and long-haul requirements. And we’re continuing to accelerate our expansion, adding dozens of new long-haul and metro connections every year.

And, as a member of Zayo’s Preferred Carrier Program, our carrier partners benefit from enhanced contract terms that simplify business and provide flexibility, with easy quoting and competitive pricing. Plus, they’re rewarded with better pricing as their business grows.

Network reliability to meet your needs—now and in the future

As a last-mile provider, your partner’s network reliability will ultimately be a reflection of your own network reliability. You’ll want a partner who can support low latency routes and offer a wide range of bandwidth offerings, as well as secured connectivity and commercial flexibility. But you’ll also want to make sure you can tailor your carrier infrastructure solution to meet your unique needs—not just now, but in the future as you continue to expand your network.

Zayo has a track record of network reliability, including 99.999% uptime, guaranteed bandwidth, network redundancy, and modern fibre, as well as a reputation for expert solution engineering. 

For example, in the early days of the pandemic, a decades-old, substandard home Internet infrastructure in the Mid-Willamette Valley of Oregon required an immediate fix—particularly for local K-12 students who required high-speed connectivity for remote schooling. Local carrier PEAK leveraged Zayo’s carrier-grade network to provide redundant, affordable, and reliable service to underserved rural communities in Oregon. As a result, PEAK was able to rapidly service 350 homes in 100 days, extending broadband to K-12 student families and the broader community.

Get ready to say YES to a more resilient network

Zayo’s core values and services are well aligned with carrier expansion. We aim to wow customers by putting them at the centre of everything we do. We anticipate what’s next, stay curious, and act boldly. We’re committed to pushing boundaries with agility. We strive for continuous improvement with ownership, discipline, and urgency. 
When choosing a partner for your carrier expansion, it’s important to look for engineering expertise, flexibility, and reliability—qualities that Zayo has long embodied in our core values. YES, you can support your customers when you tap into Zayo’s dense and ever-growing network. Learn more by connecting with a Zayo representative.

Discover the middle mile opportunity in 2024

Our eBook guides you through the middle mile process and gives a comprehensive view into the opportunity to bridge the digital divide in under-connected and unconnected rural communities.